Obligation to provide information and disclosure requirements according to the media law and e-commerce law
LUKAS Heil – Betriebstätte GmbH
Maglern 60
A–9602 Thörl-Maglern
Tel: +43 4255 39327
Fax: +43 4255 37909 – 20
Commercial register number: FN 403680 y
Place of jurisdiction: Klagenfurt Regional Court
UID: ATU68375714
Specialist group: chemical industry
Professional group: Manufacture and wholesale of medicines and poisons, production of cosmetic products
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The copyright for published content created by us remains solely with us. Reproduction or use of such graphics, audio documents, video sequences and texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without our express consent.
This website uses photos from: Lukas Heil-Betriebstätte GmbH, Adobe Stock,
This website was implemented by Körbler GmbH. Web design with search engine optimization and hosting | Homepage Maintenance Module (CMS Content Management System) | CRM/CRM software and email newsletter/newsletter solutions